Rules and Regulations

  1. Parents can meet their ward on Sunday ; Timings- 9:00am to 4:00pm.

  2. Entry in the Boarding School after 5 pm is not permissible.

  3. Any sort of electronic gadgets (mobiles, camera, i-pod, etc) are strictly prohibited in the Boarding premises.

  4. In case any student is found to be involved in any unethical activity or violate any rules and regulation of the school or fails to fulfill the norms of attendance, he/she shall be liable to be rusticated from the hostel .

  5. If any student leaves the school campus without permission, the school authorities may lodge a F.I.R in local Police Station and parent will not have any right to question and raise objection against this action.

  6. The school will not be responsible for any mishap in such circumstances.

  7. Though the school takes all normal precautions, it does not take any responsibility for accidents.

  8. This applies to accidents which may occur in the science laboratories, work shops , tour, rock climbing, mountaineering, swimming, horse riding, skating and on journey to and from the school.

  9. In case of expulsion of the child arising due to disciplinary action, misconduct or on medical or any other grounds or withdrawal of child for personal reasons of parents ,all fee and other charges paid are non-refundable under any circumstances.

© 2017 IIMT BOARDING SCHOOL . All Rights Reserved | Design by IIMT WEB TEAM